Regular and irregular verbs: work - worked, tidy - tidied, do - did, cut - cut.
The verb to be: I was there. Were you ill? He wasn't at school.
Questions: How did you do that? Who helped you?
Negative forms: Julius Caesar didn't die in a war.
Past continuous tense exercises
Affirmative forms: Jane was playing tennis at 7 o'clock.
Negative forms: I wasn't waiting for them.
Questions: Were you swimming in the pool?
Past simple vs. continuous tense exercises
Choose the correct tense: As I came | was coming to the station, a car stopped | was stopping behind me.
Correct mistakes: As soon as I was learning English a little bit, I started to travel.
Make questions: Who ___ to? (he | talk) - Who was he talking to?
Make negative sentences: A: Dan and Marion came quite early. - B: They ___ early. They were fifteen minutes late.
Complete a crime story (mixed forms): James and the dog on the road.
Past simple vs. past perfect tense exercises
- Five PDF exercises to learn the difference between the past tense and past perfect.
Past simple vs. present perfect tense exercises
- Practise the difference between the past tense and present perfect in five PDF exercises.
Grammar rules PDF:
Past simple and continuous rules PDF Compare the use and forms.
English tenses PDF Grammar rules on all English tenses.
English grammar PDF All PDF grammar rules on this website.
All these exercises are written for elementary - intermediate students of English as a foreign language.
Our tip:
- All PDF exercises and grammar rules from this website.